You experience God’s presence when you move your body physically.


Connecting with God through movement is being intentional to run, walk, dance, and move to encounter Him. It’s through movement that you fully show your pursuit of Him. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” Know that when you are moving to encounter God, He is moving to encounter you. This is the daily personal encounter!

Connecting with God through movement can help you to focus on what He is saying to you. In the same way that some learn kinetically, you feel God’s presence and hear His voice when you engage in movement. Movement can bring a focus to hear His voice, prepare you to read His word, and it can push you out of your comfort zone to encounter God in a new way. When you move, whether it’s walking, running, or dancing–don’t let the worry about what people are thinking hold you back. You are moving to encounter Him! When you feel His presence come, acknowledge Him with your movement. This is a way to engage with Him. Your movement is a response to His movement towards you!

Encouragement for connecting with God through Movement:

  • Just start moving. It takes stepping out. Try doing different movements–sway, raise your hands, jump, and ask the Lord if there are other movements He wants you to encounter Him through.

  • Ask God, “How do you want me to encounter you today?”

  • In corporate encounters, ask the Lord what you can give Him through movement.

  • Make sure you are incorporating prayer and reading the Bible! It’s just exercise if you aren’t talking with Him AND reading His word. These are foundational things to daily encounters.

  • Listen to the Bible while you move.

  • Be aware of His prompting for you to dance in worship. If you visualize a movement, follow what God is showing you. Movement can be a response to what He is doing in the room and can bring an activation.

  • Connecting with God through movement is not just for the dancers and those who exercise; we all can connect with God through movement!


Learning how we connect with God shows us how we can enter into His presence daily. While you may have a best way to connect with Him, you can connect with God in all the ways. Use this guide below to help you grow in connecting with God through Movement by pairing it with your favorite way.

Movement + Fasting

As you fast, go on prayer walks to engage with God through movement. Read scriptures of times God has told His people to engage in movement. One example of this would be marching around the walls of Jericho! Meditate on scriptures like these and ask Him how He wants you to move towards Him as you fast.


Movement + Creation

Become aware of how creation moves! The trees are submitted to the wind. The ocean can ripple or become a tsunami. God created you. How can you respond to your Creator in movement as you connect with Him in creation?


Movement + Learning

Study scripture where movement is taking place. Why does God respond to movement? What happened when David danced?


Movement + Remembrance

Engage in movement as you think back on some of your past encounters with the Lord. While your physical body is in movement, engaging in remembrance may bring about an encounter with the Lord in and of itself. Don’t just sit and remember. Do something and remember. Let remembrance drive you into physical expression! It’s a tangible way to recount the memories the Holy Spirit brings to your mind.

Movement + Adoration

When you connect with God through adoration, you know that God is worthy of all worship! As you minister to His heart through sound, grow in ministering to His heart through movement! Your worship can also be an expression of movement. Show God your love as you connect with Him through movement in your worship. This can unlock new expressions of adoration towards Him!


Movement + Solitude

Connecting with God in solitude ushers you into a vulnerability to be authentic with God. Use solitude as a pathway to grow in connecting with God in movement because no one else will see you dancing like David undignified! God will meet you in these moments!


Movement + Reformation

Connecting with God through reformation is all about carrying God’s heart for making the crooked ways straight. In reformation, intercession and obedience meet! Bring movement into your intercession moments. Go on prayer walks, runs, etc.

Movement + Meditation

Meditate on Scripture and act out what those scriptures are saying. Ask the Holy Spirit for physical interpretations of the words you are reading and let Him guide you. When you are moving throughout your day, recall scriptures to mind to meditate on.


Movement + Expression

Dance in your daily personal encounters. Put on worship music and express worship to the Lord through dance! It may be different than your usual creative expression, but there is something significant about getting out of your seat and dancing!


Movement + Compassion

Jesus was moved with compassion for others. Many of your encounters with God require action to show compassion to someone else! Grow in connecting with God through movement by moving first to meet with the Lord first. Go on a prayer walk or run while listening to Scripture to be filled up with His love for you first before you pour it out on others.