Revival in America

Alex Pappas   -  

With what has happened in Kentucky at Asbury University this last month, there is a sense that God is up to something here in America again.  Many people have been flying in from all over the world, to see what is happening on at a college campus chapel meeting that has simply not stopped, because people are flowing in with a hunger to encounter the Lord. It is so refreshing in our current political and moral climate, to see people come and repent and cry out to God to save us.

It is particularly exciting to see this happen amongst college students that are probably the most affected by today’s society which has been corrupted by a lack of morals and culture that has left this generation passionless for Jesus.

As a pastor, when God begins to do something like this, I am always so very excited at the simple fact that this can only be good for our nation in so many ways.

There seems to be an expectancy in the body of Christ. I know at our local church Oceans Unite; we are seeing so many people really come to the Lord and very excited about what God is doing.

The only discouraging thing is when people start to make it about a denomination or different type of church group and even compare it with previous revivals.

There is just no need for that. If it is a sovereign move of Gods Spirit, then I believe we should just be thankful and pray that it spreads in our Nation from coast to coast. Stop criticizing and comparing and just be grateful. Our nation needs it so badly.

What we desperately need is for the church to realize, that there truly is no other hope for our beautiful nation America. We need our God to move again in our nation, and for the church to realize that there is truly no hope outside of that.

Isaiah 57:15 (NLT)

15The high and lofty one who lives in eternity, the Holy One, says this: “I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.