
Alex Pappas   -  

Every one of us have a great desire to have peace. The dictionary defines peace as “freedom from disturbance”. I think we all have a desire to not have any disturbances or live a life free from stress. The real difficult thing to deal with, is having peace when we are in the middle of a storm. Can you imagine having peace when you are going through a financial crisis, or while struggling with one of your kids or when you lose a loved one? Well … this is the peace that the bible promises us.

The peace the bible promises us, and the peace that the world offers us, are two different things. We normally only get peace in the world when things change and get better, whereas the peace that God gives us, comes even when we are in the middle of a storm.

Jesus said…

27Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do, I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27 (NKJV)

The peace that comes from God, gives you an assurance that no matter what, everything will be ok, and that no matter what, God will get you through it! I have been amazed in my life how I can be in the midst of a crisis, and pray, and this unbelievable supernatural peace, totally abnormal comes over me when God’s peace shows up and floods my soul. The bible teaches us, that peace is a result of the kingdom of God. That explains why Jesus said, “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you” We need to know God and have a relationship with Him. If we do this and we seek Him, we will see the hand of God in every situation. I’m not saying as Christians we don’t have problems and crises; we most definitely do, but we can have peace during that crises. So, go ahead, seek the Lord, and you will be amazed to find this wonderful peace that surpasses understanding. Peace be with you.